Republicans Unveil Infrastructure Proposal Aiming to Narrow the Scope of Biden’s Plan

By Hugh T. Ferguson, NASFAA Staff Reporter

A group of Senate Republicans on Thursday formally unveiled a framework of their infrastructure package aiming to counter President Job Biden’s American Jobs Plan and negotiate a less expansive piece of legislation that could garner bipartisan support. However, the two sides start at a wide gap, with Biden’s plan calling for $2.3 trillion in investments with $12 billion alone going towards community college infrastructure, while the GOP plan calls for $568 billion in total investments without specifically calling for any improvements to community college infrastructure.

More details are expected since the Republican plan “is meant to serve as a guide,” to the legislative drafting process. While Biden has indicated an openness to working bipartisanly on his next legislative agenda item, his infrastructure package could possibly broaden with plans to incorporate a so-called American Families Plan proposal — expected to contain a number of higher education policies — which will be unveiled in the coming weeks. 

Stay tuned to Today’s News for more details on congressional negotiations and policy updates.


Publication Date: 4/23/2021

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