Advancing the Profession Toolkit

According to a survey of 500 institutions released by NASFAA in 2022, 80% of respondents indicated that they were concerned about their financial aid office's ability to remain "administratively capable" in the future to adhere to the Department of Education's requirements for Title IV programs. What’s more, 56% of respondents said they were concerned with their ability to meet the needs of students given their current staffing levels. 

Anecdotally, many financial aid directors have expressed concern that they are left out of key decisions on campus, which results in additional compliance issues and leaves them unable to adequately advocate for the resources they need to do their jobs effectively. In discussions at the June 2022 NASFAA Board of Directors meeting, it became clear that more was needed to help current and future aid directors advocate within their campus. 

The purpose of this toolkit is to provide a resource for financial aid directors to use within their offices to ensure they have a seat at the institutional decision-making level. This toolkit includes: 

Comptency Model

Transparency on what financial aid staff does

Justification for professional development and training Staffing and succession planning resources

Advice on cultivating a healthy office culture

Relationship and coalition building

Media training

Ready to get started?
We have some recommendations on how this toolkit may best serve you.

NASFAA would like to extend a big thank you to our Advancing the Profession Task Force members for helping us create this toolkit. Send your thoughts, questions, and comments regarding this toolkit. We'd love to hear what you think.

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