ED Releases New Reporting Requirements for HEERF Grants to Institutions

By NASFAA Policy & Federal Relations Team

Yesterday, the Department of Education (ED) released a Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act quarterly reporting communication that outlined a process for schools to meet legislative reporting requirements. The CARES Act requires any grantee that receives more than $150,000 in funds to report to ED on a quarterly basis on how those funds are utilized. 

ED has determined that monthly reporting requirements specified in the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) of 2006 would meet this requirement. Presumably, schools that have received grants from the federal government previously have already gone through this process by reporting on any grants in excess of $25,000 through the FFATA Subaward Reporting System (FSRS). 

NASFAA is unfamiliar with the FFATA reporting requirements and the FSRS system. We have reached out to institutions that have been federal grantees in the past to learn more about this process. 

The FFATA reporting appears to be separate and apart from the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) grants to students reporting requirements. It is unclear whether the FFATA reporting fulfills the reporting requirements for HEERF grants to institutions. NASFAA has an inquiry into the department for clarification.


Publication Date: 7/9/2020

Vickie R | 7/31/2020 12:31:57 PM

I was able to successfully log into to FSRS for one of our OPEIDs and DUNS # but we have multiple OPEIDs with different DUNS #s. I'm unable, however, to gain access for the other DUNS # using the same email address.

Daryl C | 7/28/2020 8:19:40 PM

I'm very confused on this as well as what we are supposed to enter for sub-awardee. The instructions are not clear on this.

Linda P | 7/22/2020 11:51:08 AM

I am still confused on how you were able to submit the report. Did you enter your own institutions DUNs number as the subaward? Did you make up a subaward number?

Susan C | 7/20/2020 1:29:43 PM

I have gotten logged in and see our CARES awards but am really confused on the subawardee data that is required. Our University got the funds, we did not award any to another entity (and subawardee section seems to require a DUNS so does not seem to mean individual students). Putting our own institution seems counter intuitive. Curious if anyone sees any guidance on this. The report and process are pretty simple but this part is holding it up. Thanks!

Trevor A | 7/20/2020 11:51:43 AM

Diane K, no the entire allocation was reported in the sub-award section as well.

Diane K | 7/17/2020 12:49:51 PM

Trevor A - In the subaward section did you just enter the total amount you have awarded to date?

Trevor A | 7/17/2020 10:42:58 AM

We were able to submit our first report today through FSRS. First, get an FSRS login. You will then need to add the grant awards received by your institution to your "Worklist" by entering in their associated FAIN # (Federal Award Identifier Number). Once added you will select "create new report" and select "continue". Follow the prompts on the page to complete the 7 sections of the report. I did find a great source document which outlines/explains each field of the report at: https://www.fsrs.gov/documents/data_definitions_grants.pdf

You may notice when entering in your institutions address and zip code (+4) the system prepopulates your congressional district number. As the website/reporting system has not been updated since 2010, if your district number has changed since then it will populate the incorrect number. You will not be able to change this as it is prepopulated and the field does not "edit" capability. Once completed you will select "submit".

Kayla G | 7/13/2020 5:18:00 PM

how about a webinar on this? i'm totally lost.

Aurie C | 7/10/2020 11:39:19 AM

We have students that have not cashed the check. Does anyone know if it is okay, if the student does not claim the HEERF Grant money, if those funds can escheat to the state?

Wendy W | 7/10/2020 11:29:28 AM

If you have an account with SAM.gov. It's not difficult to use. It took me an hour to figure out the FAIN#. For your information, The FAIN# is the P# (Award #) from G5. I agreed with Timothy D above, the Sub-Awardee information might be the information the institute has been spent. We need a more step-by-step assistant on how to submit this report. Thank you.

Timothy D | 7/10/2020 9:49:27 AM

I created an account and logged in last night. It's unclear to me at what point we report what has been spent. I am thinking it is the Sub-Awardee information, but unsure. Once again the Department of Ed has pushed out guidance that will leave schools with more questions than they had before.

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