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Justify Your Attendance

NASFAA has created a toolkit of easily customizable letters and worksheets to help your manager understand the return they will see on this important investment. Now more than ever, the NASFAA National Conference serves to provide you with the training resources, political realities, and advocacy pathways for student aid administration.

  • Letter to your manager - Use this customizable letter template to help explain and justify your conference attendance to your boss.
  • Benefits worksheet - Use this worksheet to create a custom list of the benefits you and your institution will gain from your attendance.
  • Post-conference ROI worksheet - Use this worksheet to take notes on sessions, and record key takeaways, action items and estimated return on investment (ROI). These notes can be referenced in creating your post-conference trip report.
  • Use these additional tips to make a strong case for your attendance.

Reminder: If you are an FAAC®, you are required to earn 60 Recertification Points (RPs) every three years through training and professional development. Attendance at the NASFAA National Conference will qualify for 10 RPs as an experience that will contribute greatly to your continuing education.