Academic Advising in Prison Education Programs: Strategies for Successful Implementation


Date Recorded: September 13, 2024
Duration: 90 Minutes
Price: Free

This session is designed for anyone involved in supporting students who are incarcerated, such as advisors who anticipate working directly with these students; campus-advisors who are in institutions involved with prison education; faculty; and prison education program coordinators. The presenters, representing Achieving The Dream and NACADA, partner organizations of the Advising Success Network, will share strategies for successful implementation of advising strategies tailored to the unique needs of inside scholars. Attendees will gain practical knowledge and tools to enhance their advising practices, ensuring they effectively support students in navigating educational opportunities and overcoming barriers within the carceral environment. Participants will leave with actionable strategies and a deeper understanding of how to create a supportive and impactful advising environment. 

Note: This is the second in a series of webinars addressing student academic advising with students who are incarcerated. We encourage registrants to view the first webinar, Academic Advising in Prison Education Programs: Opening the Conversation.


Sheila MeimanSheila Meiman
Prison Education Specialist

Paula PitcherDr. Paula Pitcher
Director of Holistic Student Supports,
Achieving the Dream


Wendy TroxelDr. Wendy Troxel
Director of the NACADA Center for Research
Kansas State University


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