today’s news for Tuesday, January 23, 2018

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ELM Resources. From our family to yours, we send a warm Happy Holidays greeting your way! And, ELM's Season of Thanks continues this month with a celebration of our recent survey results. We are so honored and proud of the trust you place in us each day. Your needs are our focus. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you. Visit or contact us at [email protected].


Government Reopens After Three-Day Shutdown

Congress voted Monday evening to reopen the government by passing a continuing resolution (CR) to fund the government through February 8, contingent on an agreement by Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to bring a debate over DACA and immigration to the Senate floor. The government shut down for three days after Congress failed to pass a CR last Friday night. And while a short-term shutdown was not ideal for federal offices and workers, federal student aid programs avoided major consequences. 

In December, the House education committee introduced and passed the Promoting Real Opportunity, Success and Prosperity Through Education Reform (PROSPER) Act, a comprehensive bill to reauthorize the Higher Education Act (HEA). With potential action on the HEA pending in both chambers for the first time in almost a decade, NASFAA encourages members to highlight positive and negative provisions in the PROSPER Act for lawmakers in the House and Senate.

The Office of Federal Student Aid (FSA) is moving forward with plans to test a prepaid financial aid card and will begin next month to accept offers from companies to manage a trial of the program set to launch in the spring, according to a draft solicitation released Monday.

The National College Access Network (NCAN) launched an interactive, online dashboard Monday to track how many high school seniors in each state are completing the FAFSA. 

In convening the Higher Education Committee of 50 (Forward50), NASFAA sought to include forward-thinking individuals from various institutional offices to tackle some of the most complex and pressing issues facing higher education. The Forward50 members representing the perspective of college presidents are Chris Bustamante of Rio Salado College, Gordon Gee of West Virginia University, Anne Kress of Monroe Community College, Patricia McGuire of Trinity Washington University, and Daniel Phelan of Jackson College. Learn more about them, and the other members of the committee, at


The Lender's Application Process (LAP) is submitted by lenders who are eligible for reimbursement of interest and special allowance, as well as Federal Insured Student Loan (FISL) claims payment, under the Federal Family Education Loan Program. The information will be used by ED to update Lender Identification Numbers (LID's), lender names, addresses with 9 digit zip codes, and other pertinent information.


National News

"The Department of Education last week said it was further weakening disclosure requirements in the gainful-employment rule," Inside Higher Ed reports.

State News

"Going to college can be hard, but it’s especially difficult for students experiencing homelessness. Washington lawmakers are exploring ways state colleges could help these students," KUOW News reports.

"Following the tune of [the University of Missouri- Columbia's] recent cost-saving initiatives, Missouri State University President Clifton Smart announced Thursday a five-point plan to boost the university’s affordability," the Missourian reports.

"As a high school sophomore and DACA recipient, the connections Danny Rodas made through his mentorship program were invaluable to helping him understand the challenges he would face paying for college," Youth Today reports.  




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