today’s news for Monday, October 16, 2023

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ScholarNet. ScholarNet is the only private loan processing platform providing schools with a free delinquency outreach solution to help financial aid professionals assist their federal loan borrowers in repayment. Learn how to take advantage of Portfolio Navigator by signing up for a free demo.


In the book titled "Indentured Students: How Government Guaranteed Loans Left Generations Drowning in College Debt," author Elizabeth Tandy Shermer offers a powerful and thought-provoking examination of the impact of student debt in the United States. "Through detailed research and compelling interviews, she sheds light on the complex and often troubling history of student borrowing, showing how student loans — initially created to supply access to higher education — have become a tool for corporations and the government to profit from the dreams and aspirations of college students," writes Farrah Lokey, associate director of financial aid and scholarships at Angelo State University, who read the book and shared her opinions of its content with NASFAA. What follows are her takeaways, thoughts, and reflections.

On Friday NASFAA, along with other higher education organizations, signed on to a letter calling on the Department of Education (ED) to finalize and announce the 2024-25 FAFSA release date. The organizations wrote that while stakeholders are busy preparing for the new FAFSA, there is a limit to how much they can do without knowing exactly when the form will become available. “Because the timeline for completing the FAFSA will be much shorter than it has been in recent years, every day counts when it comes to supporting students and families through the new process,” the letter read.


No. According to Section 401(a)(3) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended [20 USC 1070A(a)(3)], "No Federal Pell Grant under this subpart shall exceed the cost of attendance (as defined in section 1087ll of this title) at the institution at which that student is in attendance.  View the full answer to this question to learn more.

Sign up for NASFAA U’s Fundamentals of Enrollment Management online course starting tomorrow October 17. This four-week interactive course is designed for the financial aid professional who seeks to better understand the fundamental concepts pertaining to strategic enrollment management. Seats are limited, so register now to secure your spot in class.

We need your great ideas for engaging, relevant, and interesting conference sessions. All types of session proposals are welcome, from those focused on advocacy, training, and professional development, to sessions structured as open-forum discussions. We urge you to construct your session proposal with an eye toward inclusion, ensuring speakers from different backgrounds — particularly those from marginalized groups — are represented. All proposals must be received by October 27, 2023. Visit our Presenters and Moderators page to submit a proposal.

Blue Icon Advisors, NASFAA Consulting, is looking for financial aid professionals at all levels to join its team of independent consultants. Currently Blue Icon is looking for peer reviewers for the Standards of Excellence (SOE) Review Program, interim leaders who can travel and/or work full-time, and interim staffing (remote or on-site). Take the next step in your career and apply today.





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