Kvaal Nomination Now Scheduled for Senate Approval

By Hugh T. Ferguson, NASFAA Staff Reporter 

Right before the Senate officially kicked off its summer recess, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) teed up the process to schedule a vote on James Kvaal’s nomination to serve as Department of Education (ED) undersecretary.

The move to confirm Kvaal, which has faced delay since his committee approval back in April, will begin when the Senate returns from its August recess on September 13.

The higher education community has largely praised the Kvaal’s nomination and has urged the Senate to swiftly confirm his post. He also garnered bipartisan accolades and support in the beginning stages of his confirmation process.

It was previously reported that Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) had placed a hold on speedily approving the nomination due to her concerns over ED’s handling of the student loan program.

Last week, however, Warren withdrew her objections to the nomination, saying she had engaged in productive conversations with Kvaal, ED, and the administration and was "glad they have committed to making substantial reforms to the administration of the student loan program.”

If installed in September, Kvall will join ED amid the beginning stages of the negotiated rulemaking process and be tasked with assisting the department in ramping up communication and implementation efforts to transition federal student loan borrowers back into repayment when the payment pause expires at the end of January 2022.


Publication Date: 8/12/2021

Kyle R | 8/12/2021 11:31:41 AM

Joel is spot on.

James C | 8/12/2021 9:38:24 AM

You couldn't be more right, Joel

Joel T | 8/12/2021 8:30:00 AM

I'd like for NASFAA to send out a survey to their membership that simply says, "Are you excited that the person responsible for creating Gainful Employment regulations under the Obama administration has been nominated to serve as Department of Education (ED) undersecretary for President Biden?"

I highly doubt you'll find the same level of praise and excitement that you got from DC think-tanks and InsiderHigherED reporters.

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