Most Misunderstood Topics: Late Disbursements

When it comes to regulations and guidance, there are many nuances that can make certain concepts difficult to understand in different situations. In this series, NASFAA will highlight commonly misunderstood topics, and direct readers to resources that can best address popular questions on each topic. Many financial aid professionals, for example, struggle with the eligibility for and limitations surrounding late disbursements.

The following resources from NASFAA's AskRegs Knowledgebase address some of the most common questions related to late disbursements.

Can We Make a Late Disbursement?

Can We Make a Late Disbursement If Verification Is Completed Within the Extra 120-Day Timeframe?

Does a Direct Loan Qualify for a Late Disbursement If We Have to Change the Origination Fees After October 1?

Can a Late Disbursement of Title IV Aid be Made After 180 Days?

What is the Time Frame for Making a Late Disbursement?


Publication Date: 9/29/2017

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