FSA Accountability and Transparency

As a performance-based organization (PBO), the Department of Education's Office of Federal Student Aid (FSA) is required by law to, among other things, seek to improve customer satisfaction and provide high quality, cost-effective services. NASFAA and its members have a vested interest in the success of FSA. In recent years, NASFAA has identified for Congress opportunities to improve the operational efficiency of FSA.

Improving Oversight & Transparency at the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Federal Student Aid: NASFAA Recommendations

May 2017 - In this report, NASFAA takes a critical eye to FSA's operations and — after benchmarking it against other federal PBOs, interviewing former federal officials and employees, and examining complaints from federal partners, Congress, the Government Accountability Office (GAO), and other federal watchdog groups — concludes organizational and structural changes are needed in order to help FSA meet its congressionally mandated objectives as a PBO. In spirit of improvement and partnership, the report outlines several recommendations to strengthen accountability and transparency at FSA.

NASFAA Submits FSA Operational Issues Survey Results to Congress

May 2016 - In March 2016, the House of Representatives Committee on Education and the Workforce asked NASFAA to provide additional information about institutions’ experiences with FSA. Based on information collected from a survey distributed to NASFAA's membership, NASFAA submitted a report offering recommendations to help facilitate a strong, effective working relationship between schools and FSA. The survey asked about waiting times for Department of Education (ED) approvals of various changes to institutional operations, or for final reports from a program review or federal audit, or for guidance. The survey also asked for areas in which ED provides a high level of accurate, timely service

NASFAA Testifies Before Congress on Financial Aid Administrators' Experiences with FSA

November 2015 - During a joint congressional hearing on November 18, 2015, NASFAA President Justin Draeger testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and House Committee on Education and the Workforce about the experiences and challenges NASFAA members have faced interacting with the Department of Education’s Office of Federal Student Aid (FSA).

Publication Date: 7/11/2017

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