NASFAA Urges Lawmakers to Double Maximum Pell Grant

Contact: Allie Arcese
Director of Communications
(202) 785-6954
WASHINGTON, D.C, September 7, 2022 — Last June, NASFAA published an issue brief calling on Congress to double the Pell Grant maximum amount to $13,000 to restore its purchasing power for low- and moderate-income students struggling to meet college costs.
More than a year later, this message still rings true as policymakers continue their efforts to address college affordability, and particularly in the conversation of canceling student loan debt. Doubling the Pell Grant would make up for necessary investments in federal student aid that have been pushed off for decades.
NASFAA's newly updated issue brief presents the facts, and argues that doubling the Pell Grant is a fiscally responsible investment targeted to students with the greatest need, and represents a sustainable, front-end, and long-term option to address college access and affordability issues impacting lower-income students.
This timely resource breaks down the number and percentage of Pell Grant recipients by family income level and student demographic, as well as the current "purchasing power" of the maximum award, and how that coverage would change with the maximum award doubled.
NASFAA policy experts are available to speak more about the push to double the Pell Grant. To set up an interview, please email NASFAA Director of Communications Allie Arcese or call (202) 785-6954.
The National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) is a nonprofit membership organization that represents more than 32,000 financial aid professionals at approximately 3,000 colleges, universities, and career schools across the country. NASFAA member institutions serve nine out of every 10 undergraduates in the U.S. Based in Washington, DC, NASFAA is the only national association with a primary focus on student aid legislation, regulatory analysis, and training for financial aid administrators.

Publication Date: 9/7/2022

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