AskRegs Overview

Ask RegsThe AskRegs Knowledgebase is a searchable, reliable, 24/7 resource for busy financial aid professionals who have specific compliance or regulatory questions. More than 35,000 searches are performed on the knowledgebase each month.

Updated continuously with questions submitted by NASFAA members, the AskRegs Knowledgebase improves with ongoing user interaction with questions asked most frequently rising to the top. 

  • The AskRegs Knowledgebase is a benefit of NASFAA membership – no additional fees for using this service. AskRegs is not available to non-members.
  • If you can't find the answer to your specific question, simply submit a ticket and the NASFAA regulatory staff will research your question and provide a comprehensive answer, including any applicable regulatory citations.
  • Your question and answer may then be added to the Knowledgebase to assist other student aid professionals with the same question.
  • Our goal is to respond to your question within 24 hours. If necessary, we will consult with the Department of Education to find an answer. We never share identifiable information, unless you authorize us to do so.

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